This is the first book the LPHS Book Club is reading.
Young and innocent, Richard Perry starts his journey toward Vietnam during the "conflict." Along the way he meets several characters, each of them in Vietnam for different reasons. He befriends Peewee Gates in particular and they stick together from start to finish.
Perry has left behind a mother and a younger brother, Kenny. Perry and his mother have never understood each other and she does not know why he went into the army. He isn't completely sure himself, but he wanted to go to college and couldn't afford it. Kenny really looks up to Perry and Perry wants to make him proud.
Another black man tries to bond with Perry and Peewee, but the bonds of brotherhood and friendship are not simply by race. After a lot of waiting and moving from place to place Perry and Peewee finally join the Company they are replacements for.
Let me know what you think of the book so far.
Finished the book? Tell me your thoughts.