Monday, November 14, 2011

World War Z by Max Brooks (Abe Books)

I have been reading World War Z for over a week. I still haven't decided how I feel about this book. It is being turned into a movie as we speak and I know several Librarians who LOVED this book.
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks follows the progression of a fictitious war between zombified humans and the living. The narrator, a fact finder for the Postwar Commission, has compiled numerous interviews over the course of several years and has chosen to place them into a book for future generations to analyze the war. The stories, from all countries and all populations, show the true strength of humankind, and the powerful forces that guide all civilizations.
Max Brooks deserves credit for a new idea and innovative idea.  I have never read a book told in this format. There is no narrator in this novel. The books follows an interview format that slowly tells the story of how the Zombie War started, what happened among the chaos and how the war eventually ended. World War Z was definitely different, but I am still undecided on if I liked it.

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